
I had the privilege of teaching a number of courses, listed below, as faculty and during my graduate training. I also have enjoyed extensive one-on-one mentoring of junior trainees, including undergraduate summer students, MD and PhD students, and research technicians, throughout my professional career.

  • Instructor, UC Davis EEC 244: Introduction to Neuroengineering (2023, 2024, 2025)

  • Instructor, UC Davis BIM 209: Scientific Integrity for Biomedical Engineers (2024)

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis NPB 125: Motor Control. “Cortical brain-computer interfaces” (2022, 2023, 2024)

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis MAE 298: Nerve-Machine Interfaces, “Brain-computer interfaces to restore movement and communication” (2021, 2022, 2024)

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis NPB 17: The Path to Cyborgs: Introduction to Prostheses and Human Machine Interfaces. “A survey of the hardware, algorithms, and applications of brain-computer interfaces” (2022, 2023)

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis BIM 204: Physiology for Bioengineers. “Neuroprostheses for restoring the ability to communicate” (2023)

  • Secondary Instructor, UC Davis BIM 209: Scientific Integrity for Biomedical Engineers (2023)

  • Instructor, UC Davis EEC 244: Introduction to Neuroengineering (2023)

  • UC Davis Venture Academia, “Challenges for brain-computer interfaces for restoring movement & speech” (2022)

  • Neuromatch Academy student team project mentor (2022)

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis NPB 100: Neurobiology. “Brain-computer interfaces” (2022)

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis NSC 211: Advanced Topics in Neuroengineering, University of California, Davis (2022)

  • Neurotech@Davis Neurotech Seminar Series speaker (2022)

  • I was one of the four faculty speakers at NeuroFest 2022, UC Davis’ largest annual community outreach event. “Restoring Movement and Communication with Brain-Computer Interfaces”, available on YouTube.

  • Guest Lecturer, UC Davis NPB 198: Neural Networks & Machine Learning in Biology, University of California, Davis (2022)

  • Guest Lecturer, MAE 298: Introduction to Neural-Machine-Interfaces and Assisted Human Movement, University of California, Davis (2021)

  • Guest Lecturer, NPB 125: Motor Control, University of California, Davis (2021)

  • Instructor, NENS230: Analysis Techniques for the Biosciences using MATLAB, Stanford University (2015)

  • Instructor, NENS230: Data Analysis Techniques for Neuroscience, Stanford University. Co-developed and co-taught this new graduate-level course (2011)

  • Lecturer, NBIO 206: The Nervous System. Prepared and taught the cortical control of movement portion of Stanford Medical School’s 1st year neurology course (two quarters: 2013, 2014)

  • Guest Lecturer, PSYCH 202: Cognitive Neuroscience, Stanford University (2013)

  • Teaching Assistant, NBIO 206: The Nervous System, Stanford School of Medicine (three quarters: 2012, 2013, 2014)

  • Guest lecturer for Stanford’s summer programs for high school students in the diversity-promoting SIMR and EXPLORE programs (2013 and 2014)